Liquor Guns

Liquor Guns?

It’s a sign that the new horoscopes are available.

Liquor Guns
The image, it’s two signs, one just says “Guns,” while the other is more curious, “Liquor Guns.”

On sojourn with one girlfriend, we were out, some years ago, some place west of Austin, east of old El Paso. Best guess would be Uvalde and I’ve gone on long enough about that place and their curious Tuxedo. No mention of their movie star local-boy done good, either, “Bongo Naked!”

Yes, Mercury is Retrograde, and no, that’s all for the horoscopes.

Digging through the older files, I was searching for a different image; however, I stumbled across the original “Liquor Guns” picture. Couldn’t pass it up. Nothing better displays the true Texas spirit than that very sign.

As a bonus point, it’s a true “Sky Friday” image, oh, right, they won’t let me participate in their game. Anyway, yes, a shot one summer of the small Texas town’s skyline. The trip was maybe a half-dozen years ago, so I can’t confirm or deny the current existence of such a sign. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was still standing, and probably not far from here.

There’s a kind of inherent insanity that is perceived about Texas and Texans. Submitted: it’s true. Just one of many reasons why I love it here so much. I don’t think old Sam Houston was far from wrong. Pretty right on, I’d suggest.

(Original image was posted here.)