Books 4 Sale

Books 4 Sale

Books 4 Sale

Image fell out of an old travel pack, ostensibly, last used in El Paso, and probably, judging by other detritus, around 5 years ago. Not totally sure, but that’s as good a guess as any.

Unsure of the term, but I think “Loss leader” was the purpose. I’ve long since abandoned the idea of toting around a case of books and selling them from my table-top. It is just too much work; the return on effort doesn’t justify the exercise.


The 99-cent bookstore strikes me as the perfect balance between price, convenience, and usability. Cost? Less than buck: fair for all.

What amused me was the notion that I was hauling a box of books around with me, selling a few, and the price? $5.

Surplus ephemera from decades on the road and now? A year in quarantine and locked down, more or less.

Books 4 Sale

Books 4 Sale

Books 4 Sale